Tuesday 19 January 2016

Best Lines From Sherlock

Here's our list of the best lines from Sherlock

  • "Oh, I may be on the side of the angels, but don't think for one second that I am one of them." --- Sherlock (The Reichenbach Fall)
  • "It’s not the fall that kills you, Sherlock. Of all people, you should know that, it’s not the fall, it’s never the fall. It’s the landing!" ---Moriarty (The Abominable Bride)
  • "Anderson, don’t talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.”---Sherlock (A Study in pink)
  • "Aren't ordinary people adorable?" ---Moriarty (The Reichenbach Falls)
  • "Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side." ---Sherlock (A scandal in Belgravia)
  • "This is your heart and you should never let it rule your head." ---Sherlock (A scandal in Belgravia)
  • "Every fairy tale needs an old-fashioned villain." ---Moriarty
  •  "No point sitting at home when something fun is going on. Who cares about decent? The game, Mrs Hudson, is on" ---Sherlock
  • "Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth." ---Sherlock
  • "The frailty of genius, it needs an audience". --- Sherlock (A Study in pink)
  • "Bitterness is a paralytic. Love is a much more vicious motivator." ---Sherlock (A Study in pink)

Sunday 17 January 2016

The Best Game of Thrones Episode

Well, Game of Thrones has been a game-changer for TV. The range of emotions that any viewer goes through while watching any episode is humongous. There are so many outstanding episodes  but the best one is  Season 5 episode 8: "Hardhome".

There was much talk about GoT losing its cutting edge and pace leading up to this episode. The previous few episodes were pedestrian at best (in terms of pace) but boy, they brought out their big guns for this!

We see Cersei, completely helpless in that deep dark hole. This is not how we are used to seeing Cersei, but I've got to hand it to Lena Headey. The way she has portrayed the character, has been flawless. Even though wounded, she hasn't lost any pride that we have come to associate from the cunning Cersei.

In Braavos, Arya, playing the game of faces, is now Lana, an oyster seller. She is told to follow a salesman, and find out all she can about him. Probably the only slow plot of the episode, this.

In Winterfell, Sansa confronts Reek and a revelation is made. On being accused of killing her brothers for the nth time, Reek has now had enough and blurts out the truth to Sansa. I have to say, I loved the performance of Reek in this scene. So vulnerable and believable. Also, Roose Bolton is planning for battle with Stannis' army. He is convinced into taking the attack to Stannis, instead of waiting out for him, by evil Ramsey. Can't wait to see this battle unfold!

Tyrion finally is face to face with Khaleesi in Meereen, where he tries to convince her to make him her advisor, and to spare Jorah. During one of their extremely absorbing conversations, Khaleesi mentions that she does not want to 'stop' the wheel of various families taking the throne turn by turn, instead, she wants to 'break' it. Remarkable scene!

And finally, we come to Hardhome, where Jon Snow has arrived, to unite the wildlings and the Night's watch. The initial stand-off between the Lord of Bones and Jon Snow-Tormund is intense, which results in Tormund killing the Lord of Bones. What follows is a rousing speech by Jon Snow, who is hell bent on taking as many wildlings back with him as possible, to prepare for the coming winter. After a heavy and intense discussion between the wildlings and Jon-Tormund, roughly 5,000 wildlings agree to come.

It is here, while loading the ships, that the unexpected happens. They are attacked by a huge, unending army, of what seems like wights. Soon, we realise that they are not alone.White Walkers have come. Winter has come. And it has come hard. There is bloodshed, bloodshed, and more bloodshed. A scene that would put 'The Walking Dead' to shame!

We get a new favourite character here, a bad-ass female who is fearlessly killing off tons of wights, before falling emotionally, after seeing a couple of kids turned into wights. Way to go Game of Thrones, you've set the record for killing of a fan favourite in record time!!

The highlight though, has to be the EPIC fight between the White Walker and Jon Snow. The Walker is toying with Snow, knowing that Snow is no match for him. After he has had enough, the White Walker goes for the killer blow, only to realise that Jon Snow's (Valyrian Steel) sword can stop him! The look on both the faces is priceless!!  And just like that, with one swish of the sword, Jon Snow rips the White Walker to shreds! A true cheer-clap worthy moment, if there was any.

His victory is short-lived, as the walls surrounding Hardhome fall to the wights and Jon and his remaining allies are forced to flee. As Jon and the others retreat, there stands theNight's King, who in a very creepy scene, revives all the dead wights as well as the dead people, to form a new army. Jon's expression says it all. "We're F***ed!"

The whole battle scene was so well shot and arranged. Has to be the best fights I have seen on TV. The fight made the episode for me. Truly remarkable.

And THIS scene!! The wights jumping off the cliff scene!! So Awesome!!

I have to say, this has been one of my favourites, if not my favourite episode of the series so far, simply because, WINTER IS HERE!

So which is your favorite episode? Let us know in the comments.