Monday 21 December 2015

Things that will only make sense to FRIENDS viewers

 If you never watched FRIENDS these things would never make sense to you:

  1. How you doing?
  2. We were on a break!
  3. Could I "BE" any more!
  4. Unagi!
  5. Gleba.
  6. You will probably never imagine what we do when someone says, "Oh, my God!"
  7. You would never know how a depressed "Hi" actually sounds! Central Perk.
  8. Joey never shares his food!
  9. I take thee Rachel, will just be ordinary to you!
  10. I got off the plane! (You will never realize how important this dialogue is)
  11. Duck and Chick!
  12. Could I be wearing more clothes- You should definitely try this :P but you don't know what it is!
  13. “PIVOT, PIVOT, PIVOT.” “SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP.” (Get the idea? No, this is what you are missing)!
  14. Lobsters - No, you don't eat them!
  15. The mystery of the red sweater - Even Sherlock would have jumped with joy!
  16. You ate my sandwich! My sandwich -You are probably wondering what the fuss is about.
  17. Seven, seven, seven, seven- Yeah, these numbers!
  18. French- Bleh, Bluu, BLAA, LIPUPU - Yes, that is French!
  19. You have been Bamboozled!
  20. 1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi and you get a TAN.
  21. Smelly CAT SMEEELLLY CAT- best song ever!
  22. Crap Bag and Princess Consuela Bananahammock.
  23. Ugly Naked Guy and Gunther.
  24. Dr. Drake Ramoray,
  25. The holiday armadillo.
  26. Mac and Cheese.
  27. Rachel - I do Rakeal.
  28. Falula and Felange.
  29. In London - Yes, in london :D
  30. Ichiban - lipstick for men- Yeah, for men!
  31. I have my brother's triplets - see you might find it gross, we don't.
  32. Regina Falingie - would mean nothing to you
  33. Days of our life with Dr. Drake Ramoray.
  34. That's how they do pants! You will never be at peace with you tailor.
  35. 15 Yemen RoadYemen - Please visit this address
  36. They don't know that we know they know we know! - and you will definitely not know
  37. I know :D - and you don't
  38. Marcel.
  39. Homo Sapiens are people!
  40. Paper, Snow.. , A Ghost!
  41.  Nestle Tollhouse ;)
  42. I wish I was a Lesbian,
  43. Trandponding....Transponster!!! 
  44. .Mrs. Chanandler Bong
  45. Custard -good, Jam-good Meat-Good!
  46. Moo Point-Cow's opinion!
  47. You're over me?...When were you under me?
Which is your favorite or did we miss something? Let us know in the comments.

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