Monday 28 December 2015

Why Rachel Green was a BITCH?

Here is our list of why Rachel Green was a BITCH:-
  1. She barely cared for the feelings of her friends and acted without thinking about her relationships.
  2. She always made loud and boisterous arguments which didn't really have any real backing. Hello to the "We were on a break" argument.
  3.  She was often insensitive about Ross who clearly showed how much he cared for her. Leaving his chance to be on TV and taking care of her, getting ready to take her to the prom, and what not?
  4.  She didn't really care how she acted around people. Going after the actor guy that she didn't even know off (whom Monica liked deeply). Though on a sidenote, Chandler did some similar things too.
  5. The fact that she tried to save her job instead of freeing Chandler from the handcuffs her boss put him in. Joey would have never thought twice and would have jeopardised his job anyday for any of his five friends.
  6. She always realised her love for Ross when he was happy with someone else. Even tried to break his marriage with Emily and she pulled off similar stuff in season 2 and with that Bonnie girl too. Also, after doing all this, she'll not accept him back in her life.  Its like she knows that he will go back to her in a heart beat and she consciously tries to make him miserable.
  7. (I guess that we all do this at some point of our lives )She was the one who flirted with Ross when she got pregnant but she said that it was Ross who came onto her.
  8. Leaving a man at the altar? Hello? What does that say about you? And then wishing her then "bestfriend" Mindy and her ex fiancée Barry to have kids "with her nose and his hairline", that doesn't speak well about her character does it?

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